The Pacific War Memorial is a monument to those who fought in the Pacific Theater of operations during World War II. The structure in the foreground is the Dome of Peace, a circular building featuring a stone altar in its center which, on the week of the anniversary of the Fall of Corregidor, is spotlighted by rays of sunlight that shine through an aperture in the dome's apex.
The Stone Altar is the centerpiece in the main hall of the Dome of Peace. This edifice was designed in such a way that a portal at its apex allows the sun to shine through. At a certain time during the year - particularly on May 6 (the date of Corregidor's fall), the sun projects a disc of light that illuminates the Stone Altar. In the distance is the monument of the Eternal Flame.
A closer view of the Stone Altar bears a poignant epitaph to the countless men and women who made the supreme sacrifice in World War II
A view of the Dome of Peace taken from the Eternal Flame Monument. Marble walls commemorate the major battles in the Pacific during World War II