Located northwest of Topside proper, Battery Grubbs had its share of mechanical problems and therefore saw limited action during World War II. Its only functioning gun was disabled on April, 1942 after taking on a direct hit. A spare gun barrel lies on the extreme right.
In this reverse shot from the other side of the walkway (seen in the previous picture), and taken from the second floor of the main structure, we see damaged pillars and and soot-blackened walls framing a corridor that leads to one of the Battery's two gun emplacements.
Inside one of the rooms in the second floor of Battery Grubbs, is an insignia of the 91st Coast Artillery, Philippine Scouts Regiment. Unfortunately, the original insignia was painted over, thus obliterating the original inscription.
A short climb to the top deck leads us to a panoramic view of the tip of the Bataan Peninsula. Off to the left of this photo can be seen the railings of a visitor's view deck. This is an excellent lookout point from which one can take a breather and snap a few photos.
From a vantage point atop the roof deck, we see see one of the disappearing guns lying next to its concrete-and-steel base. The Japanese eventually tried to put this battery's 10-inch guns back in commission, but their attempts were thwarted by heavy U.S. artillery and aerial bombardment.
On the other side of the complex lies Grubbs' other gun.
A wider-angled view of Battery Grubbs shows gives us a better idea of how the complex's layout looks. This is the same gun barrel that appears in the previous photo.