Japanes Garden of Peace

This Garden of Peace was built over an area that used to be a Japanese cemetery. It was only recently rediscovered, and has since been converted into a shrine. A small pavilion houses some Japanese memorabilia and World War II Photographs.

Headstones, Japanese Garden of Peace

Headstones of various shapes and sizes now adorn the Japanese Garden of Peace. Shown here are two relatively large vertical pieces; one done in white marble, and the other in black.

Shintoist shrine, Japanese Garden of Peace

This Shintoist shrine can be found next to a picturesque cliffside in the Japanese Garden of Peace. Standing out against Corregidor's dense, green mantle, the statue can be distinctly seen from aboard the Ferry boat as it makes it way to and from the South Dock. [more below]

Full shot, Shinotist Shrine

