The Malinta Tunnel is one of the main attractions of Corregidor Island. The Main Tunnel is approximately 836 feet long, and has 24 laterals branching out deeper into Malinta Hill. This is a view of the the West Entrance. A commemorative inscription says, "Before this West entrance of Malinta Tunnel on the afternoon of 30 December 1941, Manuel L. Quezon and Sergio OsmeƱa were inaugurated into their second term as President and Vice-President of the Philippine Commonwealth in simple ceremonies attended by members of the Corregidor Garrison."
A simplified map of the Tunnel is posted on a sign to show visitors the extent of the underground complex. Another such sign gives additional details: "Begun in 1922 and substantially completed in 1932, the tunnel complex consisted of an East-West passage measuring 836 ft. long by 24 ft. wide, with 13 laterals on its North side, and 11 on the South side. Reinforced with concrete walls. Floor and overhead arches with blowers to furnish fresh air and a double-track electric car line along the main tunnel, Malinta provided bombproof shelter for a 1,000-bed hospital, MacArthur's USAFFE Headquarters, shops, and a vast labyrinth storehouse during the siege of Corregidor." - Most of the tunnel has been cleared completely, and is accessible, except for portions of the Navy Tunnel. [more below]
East Entrance, Malinta Tunnel. The small white square in the darkness is the actually light filtering through the West Entrance. The tunnel punches right through solid rock and comes out on this side of Malinta Hill.
Malinta Tunnel became the seat of the Philippine government during the Japanese siege of Corregidor. Most of the laterals have been restored, except for the Navy Tunnel which the Japanese blew up during the liberation of Corregidor, and some sections which were weakened by during the war.
The tunnel's North Entrance leads into what was once a 1000-bed hospital. The inscription on top of the arch identifies the U.S. Army unit that created this tunnel complex. They worked on the tunnel from 1922 to 1932