Middleside Barracks, old facade ruins

Called as such because it was built on the section of the island called "Middleside", this large-capacity barracks was actually made up of two buildings. Its sunken appearance is an illusion created by soil and debris that has piled up near it, and further enhanced by the fact that the road (from which this photo was taken), has a much higher elevation than the building's base. This is a file photo that was taken prior to the "renovation" of the bulding in 2007. Luckily, photos such as this were taken before a section of the building's facade crumbled and before aluminum highway fences were erected here and in some parts of over the island.

Middleside Barracks, northwestern building

Although it has some major sections which have already collapsed, the northwestern building is in much better condition than its souteastern twin. Needless to say, both have fallen victim to the ravages of war, and like many pre-World War II structures on the island, both continue to the at the mercy of elements and other non-natural factors.

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This footpath passes behind the two buildings, and gives hikers who are willing to traverse it, the chance to see the ruins up close. There are portions of the barracks that have been severely damaged by bombs, but the two buildings as a whole have somehow managed to retain their scenic value.

